View from the Chair – May 2020

Hello all,

We had our first-ever virtual committee meeting at the end of April – it worked very well thanks to modern technology. How different might things have been if this had happened 10 years ago! There have been virtual Road Relays, the virtual 5k challenge (I think I’m still slowest), and the Tuesday Endurance training group is using Zoom to motivate each other. How the world has changed…

If you’re found some interesting or novel ways to train then we’d love for you to share them. Please email anything you’re happy to have shared on our website to [email protected] – we’ll create a webpage to hopefully entertain and inspire you.

Finally, BC (Before Covid-19) I promised you I’d give you an opportunity to contribute your ideas to how we should develop the club in the future. I’ve created a short briefing document which can be found here and a Google form to fill out with your views and ideas – this should take 5 minutes only. Please can I encourage you and anyone else you know to go fill out the form – because there will be an AC (After Covid-19).

All the best and hope to see you AC soon.

Keith Clarke

Chair, C&C AC